Registration 2024

Registration will be Sunday June 30th at 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Clubhouse. As usual, all registration will be first-come, first-served. Payment is due upon registration. Preferred payment will be debit or credit, if bringing cash please bring exact change. Registrations forms will be available on June 29th at the membership blitz. You can pick up a form and complete it prior or you will be asked to fill out a registration form upon arrival. We will have groups of 5 people at a time enter the clubhouse to register.

A copy of your VB membership information will be required and we ask for your patience.  

*For your convenience, memberships will be available for purchase online prior to registration. 

You are welcome to register for swimming lessons at any time over the summer, space permitting. Come to the Swim Dock any weekday morning between 9:00 and 9:45am am and register with our Head Swim Instructor Chayse Dube.

  • Swim Registration Day, Sunday June 30, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm @ the Clubhouse

  • Session 1: July 1 – July 19

  • Session 2: July 22 – August 9

The Victoria Beach Club now offers programming through the Lifesaving Society. Please refer to the transition chart from Red Cross to Lifesaving Society to identify your appropriate program level for registration. The Transition Chart can be found HERE.

Swim Lesson Information:

We will be teaching the lifesaving society swim program, which is the same program we started teaching last year.  Feel free to send us any registration questions prior to

Preschool levels 1-5, Swimmer levels 1-3

Preschool levels 1-5, Swimmer levels 1-3 will all be taught at swim lesson beach, far end of Yacht beach. Swimmer level 4 and up will be taught off the dock.  **SWIM TEST**  To register to swimmer level 4 or higher, and including any program that runs off the swim dock, all participants will be required to complete a swim test on the first day of classes. The swim test will require participants to jump into deep water, be able to comfortably tread water for 30 seconds and swim on their front for a minimum of 25 meters. This is to ensure the safety of all participants and the instructor guards. The instructors / guards will have final say on all swim tests. If the participant can not preform all skills, it will be the parent / guardians responsibility to find another open spot in a lower level class. There are many skills and stroke progressions that can be mastered in the programs taught off the beach. We appreciate everyone working with us and understanding that safety in aquatic programming is our number one priority.

Fees and session dates are as follows: 

Session one: July 1st - July 19th

Session two: July 22nd - August 9th

Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Programs - Preschool, Swimmer Level 1-6, Swim Patrol Program and Lifesaving Levels 

  • Two, three-week sessions at a fee of $47.00 per session. 

  • Lessons are ½ hour every weekday, Monday to Friday - 3 week session 

  • Students may be registered for either or both sessions on registration day.  Preschool programs are for ages 3-6

  • Swimmer Levels 1-6 are for ages 5 and up.

Private and semi-private lessons for Lifesaving Preschool and Swimmer 1-6, will also be available upon request, time permitting. 

Lessons are ½ hour. The fee for private lessons is $67.00/swimmer/week and for semi-private lessons (maximum two students at the same level), $57.00/swimmer/week. We will make every effort to accommodate requests for private lessons, but there are no guarantees. 

Lifesaving levels will also be offered: 

Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion* and Bronze Cross** - NEW - 3 week long course this year!

  • Lesson length varies from Bronze Star - 45 minutes, Bronze Medallion 1 hour and Bronze cross 1.5 hours Monday to Friday daily, for three long sessions

The fees are as follows: 

Bronze Star - $55, Bronze Medallion* - $92.00, & Bronze Cross** - $117.00

*Both Medallion and Cross courses require the Canadian Lifesaving Manual, we will have them for sale for $50

* To register for this course, you must have your Bronze Star AND/OR be 13 years-old by the last day of the course. If you are registering for Bronze Medallion and are under 13, please bring your Bronze Star certificate to registration.

** To register for this course, you must have your Bronze Medallion. Please bring your Bronze Medallion certificate to registration.

NEW! - Standard First Aid Course  - $110

We will offering a standard first aid course Saturday June 20th & Sunday June 21st

We are looking forward to seeing you on registration day and wish you a safe and wonderful summer at the beach! 

Feel free to reach out with any questions to

Dave and Lindsay Proteau

In an effort to reduce the chaos of Registration Day, please note the following procedure:

To start, you should bring/know:

  • Your copy of VB Club membership form (memberships available on-site; wristbands will NOT be accepted as proof of VB Club membership)

  • Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit

  • Relevant medical conditions of each registrant (asthma, allergies, etc)

  • Expected date of arrival/departure (see below)

  • Your own pen or pencil (highly recommended)

STEP 1/AREA 1 - Membership

STEP 2/AREA 2 – Classes

  • Schedule will be posted in the Herald prior to registration.

  • Pick up a registration form and a swim program policy statement from the first table as you enter, or from an instructor outside if you arrive early.

  • Check out the big program schedule poster to find your preferred classes.

  • Please read the policy document THOROUGHLY, then complete and sign your registration form.

STEP 3/AREA 3 – Get Signed Up

There will be several lines in this area, each ending in an instructor, who will assign students to classes. 

STEP 4/AREA 4 –Payment/Fee Calculation

  • Pay by cash, cheque (payable to the Victoria Beach Club), debit or credit

  • If possible, please use line-up time to complete your cheques.

*Please note that persons in default of payment from last year will not be allowed to register this year until their accounts are cleared by cash payment.

*Again, we are asking you to provide your expected date of departure. Too often we have found that suddenly a child will greet the instructor with “Today is my last day!”.  The instructor will not have prepared a progress report and is unable to complete one while teaching that day’s lesson.  The date is not intended to be binding. You are free to change your mind, though we will still require two or three days notice if you decide to leave earlier than your stated date.

*If you cannot attend Registration Day, our Head Swim Instructor will be available for swimming registrations and the purchase of VB Club Memberships daily at the Swim Dock from 9:00-9:45 am (at the Clubhouse if it is raining). The above fees apply. The base rate for Lifesaving Swim programs is $45.00 for three weeks or any part thereof. Please ensure that you have your copy of the VB Club membership form, medical insurance numbers, and payment.

*Looking forward to seeing you on Swim Registration Day, Sunday June 30th, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm @ the Clubhouse.